A Tug of War tribute
”Tug of War” is a Drum & Bass-based soundtrack and a tribute to the sport Tug of War. The video below also contains a retrospective of the full (almost) season in Sweden 2023, as the tribute itself. The track will...
The DevOps DJ
”Tug of War” is a Drum & Bass-based soundtrack and a tribute to the sport Tug of War. The video below also contains a retrospective of the full (almost) season in Sweden 2023, as the tribute itself. The track will...
At wednesday this week, three of the latest releases finally reached Spotify! They have since then been published via the custom playlist ”This is Tornevall” – which you can find below! One of them is the brand new MINT-release ”Bejeweled...
Man In The Middle is a mini project that initially got most of its inspiration from Tiktok. During the bassline development, it however started to head elsewhere and got a much deeper tone. The title changed to be ”Man In The Middle”, based on the initial idea of project.
As a step towards the newly updated artist profile at SoundCloud (and also, the rest of the platforms music are uploaded to) a remix of Deep State is now available. This, as the prio one, is a kind of fun...
This is a celebration that the fixed artist account at Spotify is finally available. The only problem now is that there are old metadata left that has to be fixed. With the decision to just leave the old spotify releases...
”Deep State”, or from its original name ”Tinfoil Hat”, is a tiny tribute to the conspiracy theory-world – and will eventually get an extended version if the popularity grows on it.
#deepstate #antivaxx #music #conspiracy
Recently, I found a video with a flute beatbox at Tiktok. I loved it so much so I had to resample and remix it down to a Tech House-like edit! MP3 SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/tornevall/flurry-flute Link!
2009 satt Ingela och gjorde en liten melodisnutt, något hon är riktigt bra på, som hon sedan skickade till mig för utvärdering. Hon undrade vad jag tyckte. Jag tyckte den var fantastisk och att den hade potential att bli något...
Hittade ett gammal tidlöst verk som låg helt bortglömd på datorn. Kanske dags att publicera den, så här 7 år senare. Bättre sent än aldrig…
Phantoms. En film som tog mig med storm en gång i tiden. Hade precis slagit på teven när den började sändas och mystiken tätnade redan i början. Flera år senare bestämde jag mig tydligen för att göra en ”Tribute” till...